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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Mhz Hey MLNARA Ozte 2498 batter they will be in other countries were they mos wish to carry on at they arrive with passports in order and na expulsion records against then. Six of then lort lant Saturday and a similar a larger mumber are expected to leave tomorrow. Tho Chier or Polleo expects wooldy exodus of similar or even ter mmbers t111 the country is entirely rid of this undesirable element.
mene individuals all bear recent naturalization papers, pringipally from suon acutriso aº Argentina, Bolivia and Mexico. They are plainly of the Eastern European type, however, and wh110 PolaOo8 is the term applied locally to them, and some of them may in reality be Polas (Polacos. those who have known them here seem agreed that most of them ex Russians, Jews predominating.
Among the neamures whion are being considered by thie Covernment to more effectively control the lieretion of such individuals and their aotivities here, are:1. tax, which will prove practically prohibitivo, for the permission to engage in thoir roving business of pedaling. strict control at the port of landing, where, in addition to proper papers, they will be 20世纪47 主題 分的修整修慈經是心的家 其他38节 oz esh sufficient to prevent their becoming pubilo charges.
The newspapers have frequently referred to these individuals as advocates and preschers of communiom.
The police have made prolonged and careful search and inquiry for evidence or proof of their communistio tendenotos, thus fax, without the least wocess. An agricultural country, woh ne dosta Rica, appeure to orter a mach less fertile and or attractive field for the