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CensuraCommunismCorreoDecretoSeguridad de Estado

REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Statele Her Mhz by me NARI 02:09 2498 May 27 1931 10. 95 818. 00B 16 The Honorable Charles Eberhardt, American Minister, San José.
Sir: The receipt is acknowledged of your despatch No. 416, dated May 11, 1931, with respect to Costa Rican Executive Decree No. 394 dated May 6, 1931, which prohibits circulation in the mails of all classes of Communist publications, or those which have a dissentious tendency or militate against the security of the State and of public order. The despatch and decree have been read with interest and the Department wishes to be kept informed of developments in the premises.
Very truly yours, For the Secretary of State: FRANCIS WHITE 818. 00B 16 the sense CR May. 26; 1981.
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