p. 4

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CommunismManuel MoraVíctor Arguedas

REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Ihr by me NART Date 24 18 VO made to pay adequately for his brutal ansmit upon a sleeping garrison, which has already resulted in the death of three men.
The subject is naturally the chief topio of discussion both in and out of the pross. Only this morning the students of the Law School angaged in a tree for all fet fight, the result of bitter attacks against the Government and former members of the cabinet by one Manuel Mora the leader of the younger so called Communiste. He is regularly onFolled in the Law School and Le the individual referred to in enolomure No. of my despaton No.
408 of April 30, 1931, mistakenly declared by Colonel Cruse to be a worlanan.
Vietor Arguedas, the leader of the San Ramón incident, is expected in San José tomorrow, and the Minister of Public Safety Informe me that he hopen to secure complete and detailed information when the prisoner is brought before him, and that he will koop me fully informed.
Respectfully yours, CHARLES EBERHARDT true copy of the signed origin nal CCE