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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter The Ey ME, NARA 02:e 2498 openly. Now that so prontinent a migure u Rioardo Jiménez has talked so plainly, 1t 18 believed that no reserve will be felt on the part of the smaller individuals who feel the same way. This will undoubtedly have its effect. In fact, it has already. The President himself came out in a public statement this morning, to the effect that once the candidates are definitely in the race, he will compel his appointees to observe the strietest impartiality and neutrality. known by those well acquainted with the President to be but high sounding phrases and promises.
President González Viquez 16 a generous, well meaning man, but nobody believes that he can enforce such a ruling, knowing full well that such nen aa Castro Quesada, Arturo Quirós and others of their type, can influence him at will. Nobody expects Castro Quesada and his group to swerve greatly from their plan, though they may feel that in view of ex President Jiménez declaration and the apparent approval thereof on the part of the publie, they will be obliged to be more discreet and proceed less openly in their plans.
At the moment, the most likely and strongest potential combination 1s:a. Castro Quesada, counting upon the aid of or the Minister of Publio Sarety and his organization and other governmental agencies for his own candidacy; or. Castro Quesada and Carlos Maria Jiménez Ortis, the latter having a mell organized following of his own and being able to depend upon Dr, Rafael Calderón Munoz and the PARTIDO CONSTITUCIONAL or Church Party. Furthermore, if this latter combination is formed, Mamel Castro Quesada could probably still count урод