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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES LEGATION OF THE DECLASSIFIED DA UNITED STATES OF AMERI Authority Stateletter hz Sant José, Costa Rica y me NART Date 24581 september 24, 1931 No. 607.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1931 ост Kolega central tungekantakraign DIVISION OF LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS OCT 1931 DEPARTMENT OF STAÍ ASSISTANT SEC OCT 1931 My CORDAAN BETP 6100. fo. Chade VPDEPARTMENT OF STATE. 00 www POR DISTRIKT. COK Y33 NO CONFIDENTAL pose LC The Honorable The Secretary of State 818. 00 1298 Washington Sir:21, 712 Supplementing my despatches Nos. 541 of August 7, 1931, and 569 of August 26, 1931, have the honor to advise the Department that, under date of September 23, 1931, the Committee on Legislation in Congress recommended to the Legislative body of Costa Rica that the Communist group be not permitted to register their insignia and colors and enter the political campaign as a party. translation of the report by the Congressional committee is transmitted herewith for the Department information.
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