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ActividadCommunismComunistasCosta RicaMoscúPropaganda

REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletten Tahz öy meNARA Date 2418 RECO LA QLEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E 491 San José, Costa Ricant No. 843 30, 1932 LATIN SINIFICAN AFFÄRS. COM. ES WAR 1937 SO CALLED COMMUNIST ACTIVITIES AN OF STATE APR 02 Division of STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL FAR EASTERN AFFA13 NEAPR 10 1932 1983 Department of State DIVISION OF EASTERN EUKUPLAN AFFAIRS YUK DISTRIBUITO. CUBOK Yun No APR 18 1932 yfory IX EX Erweitere DEPARTMEN LOF STATE In ll. All 813. 00B 32 818. 00 BE note 818. 111 The Honorable The Secretary of State Washington APR 1932 FFD Sir:I have the honor to report that the use in costa Rica of the word Communism is now heard with increasing frequency, although doubt that this Republic is as fertile a field for propaganda and activities originating from Moscow as are most of the other Latin American countries. As the Department knows, Costa Rica is essentially a country of small land owners; yet, the last coffee crop has brought in results estimated at 40 per cent of normal in so far as compensation to small growers is concerned, and for this reason the possibility