
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIEDS Authority Stateletter Inhz y m2. NARA C2: 2458 Ooh Ricardo Jiménez. During a conversation which Mr. Werlich had with one of the leading advisers of the latter recently (Ricardo Castro Beeche. the impression was gained that when don Ricardo comes in power he will follow a procedure similar to that recently used in El Salvador, though with less bloodshed. understand that don Ricardo will rid the country of the alien subversive elements and that he will make every effort to crush the native ones. It is probable that he will go too far in this procedure through not attempting to win over the friendship and confidence of certain radical writers, such as Joaquín García Monge and his brother, so called intellectuals who cannot be considered as really partial to the violence customarily advocated by MOSCOW The procedure followed by the Max Martinez.
régime in El Salvador in dealing with the so called Communists there has caused a most unfavorable imCarbon Copies Received pression among the Costa Rican masses. believe that the high handed policies of General Martinez, with the reported killing (probably exaggerated) of more than 13, 000 laborers, will have an important effect in strengthening Communist activities in Costa Rica, should they once become a matter worthy of consideration.
Respectfylly youts, 800. Charles beperhard CHARLES EBERHARDT Venclosure:1. Strictly confidential memorandum.
Mcc вZ

    CommunismCosta RicaEl SalvadorInfluenciaInfluencia en las masasJoaquín García MongeMaximiliano Hernández MartínezMoscúPropagandaRicardo Castro BeecheRicardo Jiménez OreamunoSubversiveViolence

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