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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter the y me. NARA :1 249811 HA REGO LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 919 San Jose Costa Rica, Muñe. 1932. COMER OHVISION OF LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRSOLO JUN 32 JUN 1932 OMMUNIST ACTIVITIES IN DEPARTMENT OF STATEL Cury STERN SALON AFFAIR JUN PO 19320 COPY IN Esto wcz DEPARTMENT SPATE 818. 00B 38 FOR DISTRIT Y NO Solil, il 818. 00 MLTID 2861 28 NOE The Honorable The Secretary of State Washington Sir: have the honor to report that a clash occurred between police and communists on Saturday evening, May 28, 1932, in San José, in the course of which the local Chief of Police, Jorge Gonzalez Ulloa, and two policemen were injured, and about 100 reds arrested.


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