p. 8


Authority Statele Her Mhz By ML, NARA D2: 2498 granddaughter of liberalism and legitimate daughter of socialism. The advance of this feeling is abetted by the failure of capitalism to embark on a more unselfish, humane policy.
Dr. Calderón also came out for a moratorium on the foreign debt, stating that we must live first and that later on, when the national economy is on a surer footing, the payments oan be begun again.
and at la Then e nation econd Son May 27, 1932.
818. 00B 38 group of unemployed workmen announced they would demonstrate on May 31, 1932, but emphasized the fact that they were not Communists and had no connection with the Communist Party.
The President announced that he would permit Communistic meetings but not public demonstrations.
May 28, 1932.
800 EGT:RS

    CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyLiberalismSocialism

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