
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority State Le terhez by me, NARI 0:2 2418 San José Municipal Council in the elections of last December, and the varied activities of councilmen Braña and Fernández on behalf of the laboring classes are given much publicity coincidentially, there are more so called polacos than ever in Costa Rica.
There are transmitted herewith one copy each of 2 the February and 11, 1933 issues of TRABAJO, from which may be noted various topics of interest to the laboring element. Under the heading Activities of the Party on page of the February 4th issue, the Provinces of Alajuela, Heredia, San Jose and Limon are mentioned as being active. The names of the Executive Committee of the Province of Alajuela are given, and it is stated that the Committee has promised to distribute 175 copies of each issue of TRABAJO in the Province. From Heredia comes the news that the Party is endeavoring to nominate a candidate to enter the next congressional race.
In San Jose, the principal stronghold of the Party, night olasses are being held in the headquarters to instruct members on the subjects of Marxism and anti Imperialist Economy. These olasses are said to be well attended by laborers, both men and women, and students. have been informed by an American employed by the costa Rican Government at the San Pedro Agricultural school that a large number of the students of that institution attend these classes and that many of the 18 year old boys are already well posted on Marxism, which they situaCLOI Tusareccionadas industriasus s a daa.


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