
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES E: DECLASSIFIED Authority State Letter 12 by ME, NARI Date 2498 steps Aromas their homes. Those living in proximity to the fax ziato vary the diet, with fish caught by ingenious though Dec orude methods. The limited income from the sale of bananas, and from labor, expened, for the most part, on doarse staple. articles of food. Staples purchased are limited tosuob foods as r100, beans, dried Gledaalt pork, beet, and cod, lard, and pigla tails. The high duties layied by the Government on most.
foodstuffar and on anothing. prevents the purchase or these commodities, by the majority of the labori ing lase.
CONOLUSION. 3333 od As has been pointed out in the preceding 012o useion, labor in the distriot 16 quiet, sober and industrious. There 18 full realization of the herd Steins tiras through which the district is passing and the ohief source of concert 18. the diminution in the pumber of Jobs available. Even this hardship 16 ameliorated by the fact that and is available for the benefit of those who care to cultivate it, an Code almost absolute guaronteo agaidat starvation.
Soba dan with an entire absence or rigorous weether)
and with an adequate 11 unvoriegated food supply, it will be difficult to substitute radicalism for o the wholesone attitude towards hard work which on oharaotorizes the ais tri otis laborinx ols SUB.
Heport to the Legation in quintuplicata.
850. ETC jm.


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