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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Ihr öy me NARI Da. 2498 LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NO. 1397 San José, Costa Rica April 12, 1935. DIVISION OF LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS COMMUNISM. COSTA RICA APR 20 1933 DEPARÍMENT OF STATE CONFIDENTIAL FOR DISTRI s, LAN this is Nu 818. 00B 50 Jah, AL PM RECO APR 19 33 OIVOM OM EASTERN EUROPEAN PONS 818. 00 100 DENAITMENT OF State The Honorable The Secretary of State Washington MAY 1933 FILED sir:supplementing my confidential despatch No. 1373 48 of March 29, 1933, have the honor to transmit herewith a clipping from LA TRIBUNA, San José daily, of today date, which confirms the information contained in the last paragraph on page of my above cited despatch, to the effect that communist leaders in San José are holding classes attended by laborers for the purpose of teaching Marxism. According to the news item of today, some 200 laborers attenă classes which are held at a. daily, thus permitting them to go to their work at a. after several hours of instruction.


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