
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Mythority Statele Her Wah2 by ME, NARI Date 24 98 Nu 818. 00 1418 position as teacher (vide page of my despatch NO. 1468 of May 31, 1933. and Antonio Zelaya, an erratic newspaper reporter and a participant in the attempted revolt at Grecia (vide despatch No. 244 of January 3, 1931. whether as the result of the activities in costa Rica of Miss Dora Zucker, the delegate of the National League of students of the United states to the Second congress of the IBERO AMERICAN CONFEDERATION OF STUDENTS, or because of the break between the various factions in the student organization, the result of the activities of the communist wing thereof, there has been organized a RADICAL ASSOCIATION OF STUDENTS. According to a circular addressed to students by the Association, its aims are: sta radical change in the life of the country, a change which we expect to make by means of sane criticism, abolishment of personalist political parties and, above all, the raising of our cultural level.
While the activities of the communist organization in costa Rica have apparently increased, the steps taken by the Government to curb them have diminished in recent weeks. The deportations affected on the spur of the moment immediately following the rioting on May 22nd are severely criticised even by those not affiliated with Communism. The sentiment of the general public has been so strongly against the Government that no further efforts have been made to apprehend and

    ActividadAntonio ZelayaAtentadoCommunismComunistasConfederación Iberoamericana de EstudiantesDeportaciónDora ZuckerEnfrentamientosEstudiantesGobiernoGreciaPCCRPeriodista

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