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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES LEGATION OF THE DECLASSIFIED UNITED STATES OF AMAhority State Letter Mhz 818. 00 San José, Costa Riley me NARS D:! 09 24581 No. 127 February 15, 1934.
CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS DIVISION OF 17 LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS METANT SECRETARY OF SA FEB 26 1934 FEB 8 1934 DEPARTMENT OF STATE. JMS MR. WELLES 32 AM PECD Hibili KOK DISTRIBUIT satser ill 818. 00 445 The Honorable The Secretary of State Washington Sir:FEB 28 1934 1440 FTLED In confirmation of my telegram No. 10 of February 12, 10 a. 1934. have the honor to transmit here1 with a list of the 21 deputies elected to the Congress on February 11, 1934, who will assume office on May 1st.
As was predicted in my despatch No. l16 of February 1, 1934, the Administration was substantially strengthened in the Congress as the result of last Sunday elections. The elections were orderly and quiet, and a small total vote was cast, apparently because of the lack


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