
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED Avthority Stateletter fuhr by me NARA Da: 2498 the Municipalities, where they wil doubtless do what they can to translate into reality their own soojal. and econom1o ideas. The program of the Contumist Party was tranmitted to the Department inder cover. of Despatch No. 666 or August 26, 1981, and embodies ortodox Maxxian principles overing national owner shly or valfronda, land, et cetera, with the laboring classes in the suddle of goverment In congress, the two const deputies, who will face a majority of 29 in the Administrations party, can expect to accomplish little or nothing, but it is certain that they will endeavor to keep their program constantly before their colleagues and the country at large. In this respect, the Communiste w111 have for the first time a national forum for the expression of their principles. There is as well Bomo apprehension Lest the communist deputies try to interrere with the normal course of legislative routine by resorting to 11lbuster tactics, which are not outlawed by any oloture rule that the Commia sts will have large oide in the city goverments of San José and Heredia, and in the latter city they have a clear majority on the Council.
The first Cotonuntate elected to often in Data Rica were two 83 dormon alaoted to the San José city council in February, 1932, sexoxes Braſia and Faunsndez, and they aaused thair colleagues much annoyance and aisconfort during thes. pasiod of service. The prospect, therefore, 18 tot story sensions of those city councils on Whiok Communiste are represented.


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