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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Aphority State Lefter lahz ey me NARA C2! e 2418 sure No. 3, despatoh No. 305, dated Juna. wow, TRANSLATION No. TE CONSTITUTIONAL CONGRESS op. MHE REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA Sec? In uge of the taoulty bonferred upon it by Article 81 of the Constitution and in conformity with Article 91, paragraph or the same, te bere et Article Part or article of the Interior Rules of the chamber hell read as follows: e Call to order the Deputy who, in speaking, te makes infuriouk poteroude to a companion, to one of the members of the other Supreme Powers or to an outside person; or who, in any other manner, lacks due respent toward the reverence of the CongressIf the Deputy ingiats in his irregulador conduct, he Will maaiately be prevented from speaking. In base a grave offense is proferred or a Boandal is produoed in the Chamber, the President will suspend the guilty person, in abbordance with a vote by the majority of the Deputies present, for eight days the first time, for fifteen days the second time, and for one month each one of the following times. The suspension will include loss of salary during the time of its effectiveness. If the guilty Deputy refuses to abandon the precinot of the Congress, the President will adjourn the session to reopen it without the presence of the excluded member, and will take the measures necessary to make effective the order of expulsion.
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