
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Whe By ME, NARA Date 2418 1811 purely communistie, movement and not a willful uprising by the workers. ro This is made evident by the fact that representations to the employers have not been made or even considered by the workers since the submission of the demands. e ne STRIKE INCIDENTS. face that enito a g of the str Seventeen leaders of the strike, seven of whom are Nicaraguans, and ten Costa Ricans, were arrested on August 13th, at Matina by the Sub comandante of Port Limon for mutilating estacks, of bananas. These men were incarcerated and are being tried today (August 14th in the Port Limon police, courtorWhileo there have been large quantities of bananas mutilated, this is the chirgt instance in which the police have witnessed the acts ty of Fort Limons res thet 1870 for It has been reported that the strikers arenius amassed in two regionez cat Parismina and 26 Miles.
Itvis estimated that there are about 200 armed men at the first mentionedplace and. 150 at the latter.
General Monge arrested weight of the strike leaders wat at Parisming and transported them to iquirres. He plans on proceeding to 26 Miles, tomorrow (August 15th. okna and Indude chez meturn tomork, ani that In today LA TRIBUNA, the re cappears a statement made by the Communist Deputy. Mora Valverde, to the effect that the police had assisted in the cutting of fruit. General Monge today refuted this statemith, ment as being entirely false. West Indian repro o The TS The number of police patrolling the strike ruit regions is about 789, 50 from San Jose and the remainder from Port Limon. The detachments from Port Limon


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