
Athority State better 12 y me NARA Ca: 24581 Now going Costa Rican. This racial heritage will not help him particularly with the electorate, however, since Nicaraguans are not well liked in Costa Rica, where the political racketeering and rowdyism usually attributed to them are considered poor form and brand them as primitive and uncivilized. Likewise, Don Raul close association with foreign enterprises is not a vote getting connection, since Costa Ricans smart enough to be in the pay of foreigners are usually considered to be turn coats by their envious and less fortunate associates and fellow citizens (who, of course, would jump as one man at the chance to do likewise. Still, this is not an insuperable obstacle, since Ricardo Jiménez is a shining example of a Costa Rican who can serve foreign masters on one occasion and win the electorate fancy on another.
Don Raúl is the youngest of the candidates discussed in this report, and for that reason, if for no other, he may have to wait his turn for the presidency until some of the older aspirants have had their chance. Being under Don Ricardo Jiménez political wing, the older man can probably easily persuade his protegé to bide his time, unless it should prove impossible to reach an agreement on any of the other candidates, in which case Señor Gurdián might be drafted as a compromise candidate by the Ricardista forces.
The present banana strike disturbance has been used


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