
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Puhe ay me, NARA Dato 24181 The Department will recall that there are now two Communist members of the Costa Rican Congress. That there exists the possibility that neither the dominant Cortesista or Beechista parties will receive a majority of votes in the election of February 9th, and that it may be necessary to hold a second election to determine the winner among the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes.
That the possibility exists that the Cortesista Party, failing to receive a majority of the votes, will seek to prevent a second election by having the Congress designate Mr. Cortés as the First Designado and then have him automatically succeed to the Presidency upon the retirement of President Jiménez. This eventuality is being freely discussed in San José, and at the same time it is being rumored that if such a political maneuver is attempted, it probably will lead to disorders. Whether these disorders will be of a serious or a minor nature, this Legation has no way of forecasting.
In this connection, the Communist newspaper TRABAJO asserted in its last issue that the Cortesistas are arming themselves, and the newspaper alleged that various people have seen what they described as boxes of rifles delivered during the late hours of night to various homes in San José.
Respectfully yours, Enclosure: Memorandum by Clerk zweig.
800. Costa Rica.


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