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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED IR MAIL 7Authority Stateletter Mhz Ey. NARA Date 24581 being presumed by opponents of the treaty tl will rienaly UNITED STATES OF AMERICA toward At, he won thereby the support of a large block of een van the deputies, who saw in him a good candidate for the presidency. It might be supposed that for his action on that occasion he could not be held in high esteem by the Government, but this seems not to be the case, although, as previously stated, the Government active support of him, iføit exists, is not perceived, except that the President and other officials are friendly toward him on social occasions. Indeed, it is said that the President dares not be unfriendly, since the block of deputies controlled by Dr. Calderon in the Congress might well otherwise be used to upset the Government legislative program.
819. 00 1570 Respectfully yours, no Honorable The Secreff. MUAMariboon Wm Hornibrook. have a Gorce intanto Dpsrtinent that lections for the prestar of Costa Rica a dy been nominated by their rogoeativs partios CWL:mohe orlice, ore being Dr, Rafael Angel Calderon 800 Guardia, President of the Costa Riaan Congress, nominated last foli by the National Republican Party Partido Ropublicano Nacional. and Manue) Mors Volverde, a eputy in Corress, oo, as reported in the Legation despatoa. MJD 10. 507, ested February 1, 1938, was nominated by the Compuni party (bloque de Obreros y Campesinos) on January

    Bloque de Obreros y CampesinosPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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