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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 198711, 2017 Pithya 917 WALORY GBVISS:7070 AIR MAIL Reference is made to this Legation despatches No. 811 of August 19, 1935 and 110. 868 of September 24, 1935. It appears that the investigation of this murder indicated that the murderers had been influenced by reading foreign communist literature, but there was no evidence that Manuel Tora had any connection with the matter.
Efforts were made at the time to damage jora political career by direct and indirect insinuations and charges, but many prominent persons not in any way associated with him sensed the apparent injustice of this and came to his defense. Ile was later reelected to the National Congress.
The Legation informant states that investigation of the case is being continued, and that the incoming administration is prepared to act on evidence available, Respect way yours, Charles Lewis, Jr. Chargé Affaires ad inteleim.
800 RYB:mc


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