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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 1587110420. They gins oor GEWISS 7930 LEGATION OF THEY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA San José, Costa Rica, July 31, 19422 SA Ho. 527 Subject: Political Conditions; latest developments in the clerical liberal struale in Costa Rican politics.
97 OL WV IGOR FOU TICAL LITT 201:57h On RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OF STATE HOICH OF CANOATIONS AUG 1 1942 DEPART YT OF STATE cre 818. 00 1719 For Distribution STRICTLY CONTIDE TI The honorable The Secretary of State, Washington.
gir: have the honor to report that, accordin to the DIARIO DE COSTA RICA of July 30, 1942, as an after abi of the recent battle in the Costa Rican Congress to repeal the religious laws of 18 and 1894, a memorial is being circulated for signatures and will later be presented to Congress wich will have the foilorin oljects in view: Abolition of civil marriage. Permission for divorce only by decree of the Roman Catholic Church, Reservation to the State of the right to decree a separation, in the case of differences between inarried couples, but not the right to decree divorces.
PO MA When first reported in the press, it was statea that the memorial had already some twenty signatures of congressmen and that others were being secured as repidly as possible in order that it might be presented before the close of the present session. The phraseolosy is soia to be taken from concordats recently celebrated between the Vatican and other Latin American Republics, and the statement is made that church entnorities mai important deputies of the administration party are in acord on the matter.