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TTS TI coats REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 115757116120 This TinTVAROR GELISS57030 against the common enemy and the general trend o the times, the workers in Costa Rica have alreads become a political force of prime importanoo.
espeotihuilly yours Leslie Reed, Chargé Affaires ad interim.
Codigo del Trabajo, Presentado por el Poder Ejecutivo al Soberano Congreso Constitucional, 12 de Abril de 1943. clipping from La Prensa Libre, February 1, 1943. Clipping from La Tribuna, April 11, 1943, Disposiciones Legales Vigentes Sobre Trabajo Recopilacion dirigida por Alberto Duran Rocha. English Translation of letter from The Comité Sindical de Enlace Nacional addressed to the President and Vice President of the United States, February 9, 1943.
Becto sent to BCA 850. 800 SRT:fm.