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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES RCHIVES 1987 1920 1 Timisgins WAUORE GBUSS77330 VCH TELEGRAM RECEIVEDEMIPETE This telegram must be paraphrased before being Dated April 30, 19:3 communicated to anyone other than a GovernmentROMOCIā 1:41 a. May lst agency. BR)
Secretary of State Washington DEPARTMENT OF STATE MAY 19943 ECONOMIC STUDIES JO ROIS AIO 218, 000 49 401, April 30, p. SECTION ONE)
In connection with the May Day Celebration the President party and the labor organizations have announced that the parade, scheduled for the on 1944rternoon, constitutes a demonstration in favor of the social legislation including the proposed lacor code sponsored by President Calderon 11 755 218100 110 Guardia (strictly confidential despatch no. 1697, April 21, 1943. The Cortos party has however, announced that the parade is not a demonstration in favor of the President but a labor manifestation 216. 504. Bl0. 00 1757 of a general character, and has urged its followers to participate, and to make use of the special trains and other transportation facilities to San Jose provided by the government. Both parties MAY2 11943 havc urged their followers to avoid the use of banners or slogans of a political nature, and the President announced in this morning press that any attempt to create disorder during the parado will receive immediate punishment. The manifestation POSS will terminate