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that he intended to embody in the Constitution the social security program which is now in effect. He stated that it would become a part of the Constitution during the present month. In accordance with the Constitutional procedure for amendments to the Constitution, it was presented to Congress and approved in the previous session, and if approved in the present session, can thereafter be incorporated in the Constitution. Neither the President nor any of the other speakers made any reference whatever to prolonging the presidential term or to reelecting him. It was noticeable, however, that not one of the speakers made any mention whatever of the so called official candidate, Teodoro Picado. The rumor had reached this Legation earlier in the day that during the demonstration Picado would be thrown overboard by the President and his party. This rumor was part of the theory that the Communist Party would draft the President for further service as Chief Executive.
The silence of the orators regarding Picado may have been in accordance with the President general instructions to his party to avoid political allusions, but Manuel Mora disregarded the warning long enough to attack Cortés. The impression on the auditor was that Mora could also have ignored the instructions sufficiently to have indicated his support for Picado had he desired to do so. Picado anti communistic views, however, are no secret. The fact that all of the cheers, and all of the praise, as well as all of the promises of adherence, were for President Calderon Guardia rather than for his chosen successor, may therefore be significant as an indication of future events, Respectfully yours, اذا Leslie Reed Chargé Affaires ad interim 800 LER :mr Qurbon Copem Received 70.

    CommunismCommunist PartyManuel MoraPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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