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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 1957 194204293 Tith gins WAMUOSE BUSS77930 TELEGRAM RECEIVED RCC This telegram must be FROM closely paraphrased be fore being communicated to anyone. c)
San Jose Dated May 13, 1943 Recà 5:56 Secretary of State Washington ICH SELBts UR AN WUS URGENT 0921 00 318 428, May 13, p. SECTION ONE. Discussion of proposed electoral reform commenced in Congress yesterday afternoon. It began regarding a point of order raised by Otto Cortes son of the Presidential Candidate. The galleries were filled, principally with Picado adherents and congressional debate was rendered impossible by the disorder. The patio of the Congressional Building was filled with a mob principally Picado supporters. Numerous arguments degenerated into fist fights and several deputies left the Chamber to participate. Francisco Urbina (see my telegram No. 419 of May li, noon) engaging in a fight in the patio was apparently attacked by police allegédly after crying death to Calderon Guardia. Opposition Deputies are outraged at this violation of parliamentary PS SS immunity, REED TIRM