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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 1987122017 Time gins UAAVOR OBWISS 7930. 431, May 14, 10 a.
from San Jose number of Deputies announced that if reform became law they would resign their seats.
The Costa Rican talk of formation of a new party supporting a compromise candidate and both Picado and Cortes are being urged to withdraw from the campaign for this purpose. Cortes announced that he would withdraw on three conditions. first) that President Calderon should not be reelected in any manner. eccond) that Picado should withdraw from the campaign and from the leadership of the National Republican Party; and (thira) that the electoral reform bill should be withdrawn. Picado has refused to withdraw. demonstration of students took place yesterday in the town of Alajuela and was disbursed by the police who made a number of arrests.
Cortes publishes this morning a statement that if the veiled threat of the administration to cancel his citizenship should be carried out he would avenge chis offense with his own blood and that of his relatives if necessary on the person who did it.