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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 1987122017 Ticha: giosos GBUISS 7930 TELEGRAM RECEIVED JMB San Jose This telegram must bo FROM paraphrased before being Dated May 15, 1943 communicated to anyone other than a Governmental Rec 2:44 agency. BR)
Secretary of State, Washington.
434, May 15, 10 a.
With reference to my telegram number 428, May 13, p. and previous, demonstrations took place throughout e day until yesterday and were resumed this morning.
Yesterday afternoon the electoral reform bill 81800 1762 Was passed in second reading, opposing deputies not being present at the session. committee of political neutrals called on Picado urging him to withdraw from the Presidential campaign in order that Cortes might do the same and a compromise candidate PS SS be chosen who would receive the support of both parties.
Luis Tinoco, Minister of Finance and Education announced yesterday that he had informed the President that the moment the electoral bill was signed he considered his resignation accepted.