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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 1587110U Tits W OOR GOISS1030 Picado should likewise withdraw from the Presidential campaign and leadership of the National Republican party.
Several secret and urgent conferences have taken place among the political leaders during the last two or three days to decide upon a compromise candidate agreeable both to Picado and Cortés. It is stated that President Calderón Guardia favors Jorge Hine as the compromise candidate.
Such a candidate would be acceptable to most Costa Ricans, and the saying on the street is that Jorge Hine has tried the Presidential chair and found that it fits, so why not use him. This refers to the fact that Jorge Hine was acting President during the visit of President Calderón Guardia to Mexico and Cuba last March. His long and able administration of the most successful bank in the country, the Banco de Costa Rica, is also in his favor. As the Department will recall, he has been a candidate for the Presidency to succeed President Calderón. See Legation despatch no. 965 of October 22, 1942. Leon Cortés is said to favor the candidacy of Francisco Manuel (Lico)
Jiménez, an international lawyer, Costa Rican Minister to Brazil, though resident in Costa Rica, and the Chairman Rican Inter American Development Commission. Don Lico. as he is commonly known in Costa Rica, was the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the cabinet of Leon Cortés, until he was forced to resign because of his opposition to the Costa Rican United States Trade Agreement.
He has no popular appeal, but is considered fairly a ble.
He is reputed to have made his money by buying up Government coupons in lieu of cash paid to schoolteachers and other Government employees, and then, as a Congressman, introducing the bill, which was passed, to have the Government redeem such coupons at face value. This is always said against him, though his social and financial position is secure.
The difficulty in this manoeuvre, however, is the refusal of Teodoro Picado to resign as candidate of the National Republican party.
When this situation clarifies, a further report will be sent to the Department.
Respectfully yours, Art Leslie Reed Chargé Affaires ad interim 800 SRT:mr