p. 2

Guardar Descargar

Archbishop giving his approval to the new party in sofar as participation by Catholics was concerned. The new party expects to be enlarged by the absorption of a number of liberal groups which are opposed to the communistic theory, and it is preparing to play a part which may well be decisive in the present presidential campaign.
The President father, Dr. Rafael Calderón Muñoz, died on June 15, after a long illness. He was First Designate to the Presidency (First Vice President) and had exercised that function for a short time during the absence of his son in Panamá. The Second and Third Designates, as has previously been reported, are Señor Jorge Hine and the President brother, don Francisco Calderón Guardia, respectively. On the death of Dr.
Calderón Muñoz a member of Congress proposed that no successor should be chosen for him, as a mark of respect, in order that, hat least spiritually, Dr. Calderón Muñoz may continue to be First Designate. The pro administration paper LA TRIBUNA promptly commented on that suggestion and stated that as a tribute to the memory of the deceased, the vacancy would not be filled for one month, but that don Teodoro Picado, President of Congress, would be elected by Congress to the vacant place.
This announcement was accompanied this morning by a statement from Señor Picado indicating his willingness to withdraw his candidacy for the Presidency should ex President Ricardo Jiménez be agreed upon by all parties as a compromise candidate. He also indicated approval of don Jorge Hine, as a possible compromise candidate. The movement for the candidacy of ex President Ricaro Jiménez still continues and it has been reported to me that, should he succeed in uniting the various political parties, he would withdraw from the campaign, designating don Jorge Hine in his place. am inclined to believe that President Calderón Guardia has now a bandoned any hopes which he may have had of continuing in office after the end of his present term.
In a conversation which had with him a few days ago, after informing me of an action which he had taken to facilitate the construction of the Inter American Highway, he added that he was completely at my disposal in connection with any other difficulties which might confront American interests during the short period still remaining of my administration. In answering newspaper attacks against him and his Government, he has several times referred to the twilight of his administration.
Whether his remark to me was an indication of a decision or an effort to ascertain my view is, of course, uncertain, and made no comment on that aspect of His statement.
Respectfully yours, Fay Allen Detode.
Fay Allen Des Portes.
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