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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 198711220 Tiomas g11ens WTA HORY BUISS7930 jurisdiction which he (Cortés) has always respected.
Notwithstanding the Archbishop statement, the newspaper propaganda of the National Republican Party continues to be based on the accusation that Señor Cortés is pro Nazi.
imke Respectfully yours, zay Allen Da PorteFay Allen Des Portes Enclosures: laClippings from Diario de Costa Rica.
July 3, 1943. Clippings from La Prensa Libre. July Clippings from La Prensa Libre. July Archbishop reply. LER 1kb 800 To Department: original and hectograph.
que del cargo de que soy nazista, pueda yo recibir, la de Monseñor Sanabria, a quien deho xendir porcslo medio maypalnica we 13 ma ei señor mora ni yo estamos tratando de engañar a nadie.