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Fifth ColumnLeón CortésManuel MoraPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)Violence

REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 1987 192021 Tisha 911703WnAuomet GBVISS :7930 Embassy KATSOAK OF THE TEST UNITED STATES OF AMERICA San José, Costa Rica July 31, 1943 No. 339.
SUBJECT: POLITICAL: Recent activities Tending to Disturb the Public Order.
The Secretary of State Washington, PAX Sir: Supplementing my telegram No. 554 of July 29, p. 1943, have the honor to enclose a clipping from LA TRIBUNA of July 29, 1943, which contains the text of an address made by Teodoro PICADO. candidate of the PARTIDO REPUBLICANO NACIONAL, at a meeting held in a local theatre. This address was broadcast by local radio stations.
818. 00 1787 It will be noted that Señor Picado closed his speech with the following statement:. If in order to prevent the fifth column from assuming power, it will be necessary to empty the arsenals in order that the people may take up arms in defense of their institutions, then let that be done, because it is preferable to die with arms in hand than to live in chains.
PS MB This statement would appear to lend some weight to a rumor previously circulated in San José to the effect that the Government contemplates arming the followers of Deputy Manuel MORA, leader of the Vanguardia Popular Party (see my desa patch No. 127 of June 17, 1943. It has likewise increased fears of the Cortés faction that the administration would even be inclined to resort to violence to find a way to prevent Leon Cortés from being elected in the elections of February 6, 1944. Local merchants have also expressed the fear that these elements may take advantage of the situation to engage in looting.
The wrecking of the radio broadcasting station TITANIA by a group of armed men, also reported in my above mentioned telegram, has resulted in much criticism in the anti administration news paper DIARIO DE COSTA RICA of the tactics of the so called official candidate the Picado party members. The pro administration newsler LA TRIBUNA contained an unbiased report of the incident, a statement of Teodoro PICADO denying that he or his party were responsible for the attack on the station, and a statement of the executive committee of the Partido Republicano Nacional, copies of which are enclosed. 3 DIARIO