
taido2 REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES yo 1987120448 Tithis 911 Tas ort COBISS57330 There is a group of well to do persons hero who (See inkthisroonnection des patoh noi 1742a of June 22, 21939)
Hea hastal goodbreputationt andiis understoodptó be acceptablertoctheidocal businesssande bankingucommunity ud (Please seendastu paragraph ofe Embassy! ssdespatch no. 0418qof vAugust 16an 1943, a well to do business man with large agricul. tural interests, Señor Jorge Hino, or Señor Luis Demetrio pino Anotherhchangeuisithe preplacementabfo Dr. Marios Luján as Ministeriof Public Health by DrCaSolonn Nuñezji who has hade considerables experience ine this fieldroupAtcpresenthe is head ofrthe largestemunicipal hospitalors Hel was sub Secretary ofsthal MinistrygofnPublio Health, ase farte backnass1923handaMinisteroofo Public Healthton 1928. ufThe former Ministers Dr. pluján, takes over the post of a Director of the Costa Rican Social Security Board.
An unknown quantity in this picture, howaver, is what Rumorsuof other babinetn changes persistrdbutanothing definitevhas been announcedaderThèo Ministerofa. Public Works, Señore Jorgee Zeledongniisainy the United States oand ite is noteknownt when heIwillyreturn. iiItihastbeen suggested that thetPresidentlwishedotosmove donbAlbertot Echandi, the Union Ministeriofo Forei gho Affairsê to this postaranda appoint Dr.
LuistAndersonioti Señor Juliot Acostantód the Foreign Ministry.
Theo tenure ooft Señora Luisl Demetrion Tinocozas Minister of Education is alsobrumored tobbe uncertain ola Al new Ministry, opozabonpoistoi becorganized as soon as discussion of the prosents Laborecode isrcompletedi, canduitais reported that themfirgte incumbentewidils bol Congressmanr Marianda Cortés ment which in turn is regards with 3110clona appr Whileiom the one handhthep President is faced with a seriousl problema too keepuhis cabinetrats a fullccomplement, on the others handa heo appears toa ben givingbsympathetic attentionn toa atschemettoa introducesa third candidate in the currentrcampaigns. This expedient seems to offer the only chance, short of resorting to unconstitutional measures, Ore preventing Cortésc from reachingi the presideney foriat seconde time, which ismapparentlyathea guiding force inn the President so motivationslati this stageauguAt the sämet time je it would enable thee Presidentptorevengeahimself on. Señort Picado, swhod was largely responsible for the stingingsrebuff administered the Presidentrilastt week by the CongreS. person whom the Costa Ricans desire to elect, even though he was a reactionary. It would appe Proponentsiof the third partye plant insistíthataaled large partuor the electorate oincostar Rican is still in différentetot bothfcandidates: be theyi haveplittle conridence inl Pitado, ordikingMfor him, while atwtherşatea time they area notoenthusiastie abouti Cortésre whoset characteristics ofaungociabilitye anda vindictivêness, areewello knownctonthe country. Likewisegethere is the feeling about Cortés that in view of the enmity between him and President Calderóna Guardiapaheywildchots be permittedbton bè e President eyenyepoelectedavhencoe his backersaared reluctanta tourisk muchuactual cash ontbisl campaigngons Norehast Picadoe any considerable financialt backing;n andoifhthe President, withdrawshhis. lsupportothe formerdsachancese ofeelection will be negligible. a shock brigade for President Calderón Cuarila, but said that such a description fitted his party wer cane to fighting against reaction, firth columniats There defense or the ideals of 30cial justice. In the meantime