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Manuel Mora

PGGANGGU to Nowvir.
OUTA 82 e if coaf8 BTCSD put o juu REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES Te gbblone ol uȚI VOF Батдөш Ерө cІТЕТca ox Epe ygшуутархатор мро аял. gewova F1SFTODOL foggA ſa fpe, SuaMOI OL CECLASSISED 95 o te TER UP GO Authority State Letter Whz by me NARA Date 24 18 Neither Doctor Calderón Guardia nor the directors of the laborer organizations have sought in this (social) legislation a source of discord between capital and labor continued Señor Picado, and added that as the National Republican Party was the party of the majority it was therefore ipso facto favorable to the well being of all Costa Rican citizens without exception.
The presumption is that Señor Picado, who has been much im the background of late, was endeavoring to establish publicly that he meets the conditions for the next President laid down by President Calderón Guardia and Manuel Mora.
Respectfully yours, Edward True blood Chargé Affaires ad interim.
800 SRT mm