p. 4

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Working Class

me, NARA Date 249813 AS STATE PUBLIC G AMERICAN 0410 cal.
velonosco feel sure that he will weigh carefully these, con siderations even against the insistent and persuasive appeals that he continue in power made to him by the working classes here, to which he has shown himself extraordinarily responsive.
Respecte Respectfully yours. towald e ind per ruth. Edward True blood Polol Chargé Affaires ad interim boteaed Cha the jus ouens. rent hs in Dot vol Wilo treba is still some speciaion VE norentees, of the elections, o believed with a 10 aclon with Calasi on Wedia at 18061 800 300 EGT mmrior from 818. 00 1831 the end of which tiste m elf met with Calderón Guardiało sportsee the precy.
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PS DAB The sa dergiope to mentioned abova, od 300lly o tae tirst, ave made the louders of the Cortes para pesei.