
further his own political auibitions, but this is of course impossible of substantiation. That is certain is that he nas been a steady supporter of the Centro policies, and tias aided in its publishing enterprises through a publishing house in which he has an interest.
The quantitative growth of the contro in the three years since its inception has been slow but steady, until it now enjoys a membership of perhaps two hundred. The Disembers have been carefully selected, and the original characterist188 of youth and 111 11tual attainment have been maintained. The members are for the most part in their late twenties or early thirties.
While the Cen tro was launched with no formal charter or constitution, a set of rules has grown up with time; thus the members are divided into two categories, active and regular. The active members, nunbering about forty, are those who have been members of the Centro for at least a year, or who have performed such work that the Assembly of Active Members shall have made them active members. The ox dinery embers are expeeted to carry out such projects as are assigned thebi, with the prospect of becoming active members after a year.
In the past six months the Centro has organized Sections in the cities of Cartago, Heredia, and Puntarenas; while these are still small numerically, art endeavor has been made to obtain the membership 01 the outstanding young men of those localities, undoubtedly with an eye to the Centro future political plans. Sections are also to be organized in other cities and towns when sufficient interest lanifests itself, The organizational structure of the Centro is worth examination, for it shows not only the formal manner by which the unit is made operative, but also indicates in what directions lie its principal interests. There is first the Centro de Estudios (Center of Studies. which comprises all the members of the group. This body, which meets once a week, is divided into commissions for the purpose of specialized study; the Commissions. with their chiefs, are as follows: Agriculture, A thorough exposition of the body or ganization may be found in Surco, No. 39, September, 1943, pp. 6