
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter the öy mL, NARA Date 24 18 be griculture, Industries and Public Works: Engineer Luis Antonio VILLALOBOS.
Social and Economic Affairs: Licenciado Rodrigo FACIO Brenes, Tinance, Banking and Commerce: Rafael Alberto ZUNIGA Tristan, Education: Professor Carlos HONGK Alfaro.
Internal Government and Legislation: Licenciado Arnoldo JIMENEZ zavaleta.
Foreign Affairs. Licenciado Fernando FOURNIER Acuña Health: Licenciado Héctor VINDAS.
The second organizational body is the Asamblea de Nienbros Activos (Assembly of Active Members. which, a menioneci above, comprises those nembers who have been active over the period of a year, or those members who have in some way particularly distinguished themselves in the service or the Centros The function of the Assembly is thai or the supreme direction of the movement. It approves the publications, and assigns members their various duties.
The internal organization of tho contro is regulated by a Junta Diretiva (Directive Board) picked from the Assembly, once a year; at the present time the president of the Junta is corge Rossi Chavarría, the Vice President Luis Antonio Villalobos, the secretary Manuel Antonio UESADA, and the Treasurer Jaime ALLEN Garro.
TI Comité Ejecutivo (Executive Committee) is composed of eight active members eleuted by the Assembly for a year, und is responsible to that body for the carrying out of the program of the Centro. At the present time she members of the xecutive Committee, with their duties, are as follows: Otiri ACOSTA Jiménez Director of Publications in the Diario de Costa Rica Alberto CAJAS Director of radio programs, and Secretary of the Committee, Licenciado Paúl CHAVERRI Rodríguez Director of Publications in La Hora Licenciado Rodrigo TACIO Brenes Director of Sections, and coordinator of the Committee, Licenciado