
REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Mhz öy ME, NARS Date 24 18 Parly in 1942 the Centro amplified its public criticism by publishing once a week a column in the Diario de Costa Rica anà a column in La Hora, San José morning and evening papers. These columns, under the byline Acción del Centro, were made possible by Sr. Otilio ULATU, owner editor of the pu pers, who permitted the Centro to use the column once a week without charge. bioreover, whenever any event of outstanding significance occurs in Costa Rica, such as, for exanple, the passage of the recent Labor Code, the Centro is granted extra space in which to give its analysis of the event.
The publications in the press differ from those of Surco mainly in that they are less detailed studies of a general nature than they are comentaries on local political and economic phenomena of current interest. Thus they are less scholarly, but for the average reader they have perhaps more appeal, in that they deal with events of the local scene which are the news items of the moment, The third met hod by which the Centro presents its case to the public is known as tile Editorial Surco. Under this heading the Centro from time to time publishes somewhat more lengthy studies upon specific pliases of Costa Rican life.
The first study so to appear, published in 1942, was Estudio sobre Economía Costarricense (Study of Costa Rican Economy. by Rodrigo TACIO. This work, on the basis of which Sr. Facio was awarded the title of licenciado by the Law School in October, 1941, is a detailed analysis, some 175 pages long, which treats the economy of Costa Rica from colonial times to the present day. It includes a suggested platform for the economic development of Costa Rica in line with the tenets of the Centro, and the work has been adopted by the group as the cornerstone on which it hopes to erect a more orderly natio economy. The book, the contents of which are discussed below, shows thorough economic training and sound scholarship; it can sately be said that it is among the best thought out and most stimulating recent native works on the subject.
The second publication of Editorial Surco, by no means as ambitious as the first, is also by Sr. Facio; it is a small pamphlet entitled il Centro ante Las Garantias Sociales (The Centro and Social Guarantees) adumbrating the Centro position relative to some of the social legislation of President CALDERON Guardia administration. This pamphlet appeared early in 1943.
These publications appear at no regular interval, and of course require more preparation than do either the magazine or newspaper articles. According to Sr. Racio, however, further publications of Editorial Surco are in the process of study and preparation The fourth method employed by the Centro to propagandize its viewpoint is the radio. For approximately the past six months