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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED Authority State Letter Inh2 By ML, NARA Da! 21 58. 17 e antagonistic to the Administration. Also it should be indicated that Costa Rica is perhaps the only country of Central erica in which suchi a movement could be undertaken with any hope of success, for the population is undoubtedly above the level of its neighbors in literacy, education, and interest in public affairs.
The future potential of the Centro is difficult to esti.
Liute, for it depends upon nany variable factors, both human and circunstancial. Until the present the dovement has been devoted solely to study and publicising its findings and attitudes, and there have been but few trenuous attacks on it from the outside and ever als integrating influences from with in. In 1944, however, when and if a full scale political party is launched, the pressure on the organization will be greater, and attempts to discredit ut more frequent. Already, for example, the Centro has been freely criticized for Roberto ernández article attacking the Presidentil family referred to above, and it is felt that some of its prestige was lost by descending to such a peisonal level.
One must also take into account the fact shat the various Centristas are without such experience in actual practical political maneuvering. But they are young, intelligent and industrious, and given time and perseverance they in learn Much will also depend on their initial choice of can idates should they present then in the cougressional election or 1946. Atoresent they have no neribers of sufficient postical nd a substantial followin, and the questa of how much they will be rilling compromise their preseni strict platform to guin adherents and possible leaders will be an increasingly important one.
In the final analysis the Centro kus as assets youth, intelligence, financial resources, and the only concrete program for Costa Rica save that of the Vang281 dia Popular Party. Its future will be largely what it chooses to bake it.
Approved: Cdward Go Trueblood Second Secretary Livingsson Watrous Third Secretary LD en