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VECLASSINED Authority State Letter Inhz By ML, NART Date 2498 BRITT SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND OF 19 dipendo PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION INTRODUCTION: Dr. Rafael Angel Calderón Guardia was olosted Prosident of Costa Rica in oleotions held in Tobruary 1940 by the largest popular vote in Costa Rica history, duo to the fact that he was wopposed except by the candidato of the Communist party. Immediately prior to his inangaration, on May 8, 1940, as President of Costa Rica, Dr.
Calderon Guardia made an official visit to the United States where he conferred with President Roosevelt and other high officials. At that time ho assurod then of coste its intention of 200peratine es closely as possiblo with the United States in view of the threatening matuo or international developments. This promiso President caderon Guardia has kept and the record of cooperation of his administration with the United States is an excellent one. It will be recalled that Costa Rica was the first of the American ropublies to deolaro war on CRO A13; 2o Costa Rigar COVOIDont mediatoztended full cooperation to litery, a nd may forear: a striet sonsorshi was established wiok has been highly usord to our Gerorimont, represefto HCI have been taken against to his and nationals, o cotora. TRST PAGE OF PREPARATION TOR 1944 QAPAIGN PRESTEE SATDIROV ARDIA INCITI PRIRD REPOTICE: th. tomo Trisident Caltora de la tavolaydi ho became increasingly preoccupied with the po o his successor. Several rolgono made him givo sortows thought to the possibility of his remaining in power 12 (1) the example furnished him by his oloso friondship with Goneral Tacho Somoza 01 Nioeragua. 2) the fact that Ovo in the United States the traditional objection so third ton had been overlooked. 3) and, possibly, most dogont of all, was the fact that the President ud advisors were alleged to be involved in or large scale and it was aportant to prevent investicution of this state of affairs. Tor all of those TO and likewise possibly oncouraged by his own for the power of his office, the President mind re tho channel of rooloetion of postponiamont of 61octions: ore The President vado several positive offorts to consolidato his position along this lines MAY 1963.
goslain oleotarel Fotos218 which would have been retro supervision of eleotion from the electoral boards to the Congress were introduced in the CongrOSS. Palli. opinion beoano violontly aroused against the proposed reforms and the administration finally had to abandon them. Bikowi so tho Frosidont must be orodited with at least some of the responsibility for the statement issued on July 2, 1943, by the Archbishop of Costa Rica permitting the membership