CommunismManuel MoraNazism

DECLASSINEU Authority Stateletter Whe eyme NARS Cate 2458 hatred of Cortés was so intense that his main purpose was to eliminato any danger of Cortésbeing his gueCOSNOr. For this reason he is said at this time to have proposed a plan whoroby both Cortos and Picado would retiro from the campaign in favor of a compromise candidate in the person of someone suoh as Jorge Hing. The plan was not successful; the reason given by the President was that Cortés was convinced that he was going to win the election and would not considor any compromise from a sonfidential source, however, it was reliably roportod that Cortés agreed to the plan, but placed as a condition the immediato rotiromont of President Calderón Querdia from the presidoney, the office to be turned over to the Second Desimato, Jorge Hing. This suggestion infuriatod tk. Prosidont who from that tino on mai imlacblo in his hatred of Cortés and his lotornination to look Cortos socond prosidoney. The talk of a compromiso candidato porsistod, however, duo largoly to the fået that the country was not enthusiastie about oithor Pleadoor Cortos and as lato as early January 1946 thoro was a further burst of activity along this line 25 THIRD PHASE. PRESIDENT CALDERON GUARDIA sem er DECIDES TO SUPPORT PODO: As suggested above, the month of August 1943 was one of great political agitation. The frosidont tried fororishly to reach a compromiso in the sampaign in which, for the reasons given aboro, he was not suconsistua. At the same time the press carpain of the opposition and his allegedly coordiyo taatios, corruption, et setoragi Fanehod a oroscendo. The President state of mind was rorotod in his frequent complaints to orfioiels of the bed that the United States was ungrateful toward him; thu United States agonoios operating in Costa Rica, suol Amy engineers, were farering his opponents, ot so The President and his party replied to the attacks Cortés by insisting that Cortés had Nazi sympathias this chargó was roitoratod in many differont forms, including the publication of photostat documents et doora.
On August 22 the President went to Limón where the first of a series of popular nasa nestlags was held. The reason for these, mootings was largoly a attempt on the part of the President to prove to his oppononte that he was not disereditod and abandonodby his supporters.
This mooting was rallowed by one at the Juola on August 29, another at Puntaronas on September mnd oulminated hugo demonstration held in San José on September 15, the day on which the Labor Codo went into ocroot, at which upwards of 50, 000. peop10 were prosent. The frosidons folt highly satisfied with the results of thoso mootings and his spirits also mounted on September 22 when Manuel Mora, the head of the new yenguardia Popular party pledged the support of his faction to Teodoro Pondo in the forthooming presidential oleotions. This aet immediately seized upon by the Cortés party as an harmful to the sountry bost interests by opening doors to communism, et cetera, and fron thon on som