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CommunismPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

DECLASSIAED Authority Stateletter Inhz By MENARI Date 2498 political beatings and jailings that are continually taking place or whether the press believes that reports of such incidents would only stir up the country more, is not known, but LA TRIBUNA of Jamuary 20, which is pro Administration and whose editor, General José Pinaud, is a candidate for the Costa Rican Congress on Picados ticket, came out with an editorial entitled, Call to Sanity, reminding the country that the life of a Costa Rican had an inestimable value and that all Costa Ricans should remember that they were children of the same country and that there was no reason, because of blind and momentary passions, to put the country in danger. The shooting of two Picado followers in Nicoya, resulting in the death of one of them, could not, of course, be kept from the press, but one of the reporters for the local newspapers, who has publicly announced his al.
legiance to Teodoro Picado, informed me that the Police were arresting and beating people almost daily. This reporter, who has no reason to ran dom his own party, which is supporting and being supported by the Vanguardia Popular Party, referred to that latter party quite freely as Communist. He also added that every night groups of Communists roam the streets of San Jose and terrorise known Cortesistas.
ad terrorize konec se Such activity is very unusual in Costa Rica and goes far to overcome the usual mildness of the Costa Ricans. Communist Influence and Tactics, NO In contrast to past elections in this country there are issues at stake, as well as personal enities. The focal point of the campaign is the Communists who are well organized and apparently limiy deter mined to prevent the social gains they have made under President Calderón Guardia pom being nullified by the election of Cortés. Manuel Lora, the leader of the Communists, is very astute political and possesses exceptional organizing ability. He apparently has obtained the completo confidence of President Calderón Guardia, but whether it was throm ouch confidence or because President Calderón Gaardia hand as the fact remains that lora has been able to place many of his on the Police Force. This fact is vouched for by Ruben Hernandes is pro Plcado, Mamel Mora is reliably raported to have stated a six months ago that Cortós had about 75 per cent of the people bu him. While such a percentage may have changed as the elections not Hora 18 undonbtedly of the opinion (he has publiely said that Corte is a comard and could be intimidated) that strong an tacties ar Pleado to win. Whenever there is a meeting or rally of the na Republican Party, the same group of political shock troopse poenited from the Communists are present, and any bystander hardy oben Viva Corteo is usually beaten if he can be caught. Amed always are present in unusual numbers for Costa Rica at these meetinga, assist in these beatings. In addition the Communiste admith are arming a large mumber of their followers to koop orders on loetlon On BE Reaction Costa Ricans to communiat Taetics.
Mora tactics are creating increasingly greater resentment and Inst him. While the Democratic Party has not fought back to any great exter