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CommunismDemocracyLeón CortésManuel MoraPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

UEULASiricu inclined unions under Mora direction.
Another force working in favor of Cortés comes from a complaint of a Government employee in the Ministry of Fomento who alleges that all but two employees in that Ministry will vote for Cortés because the powerful few have taken all the graft and there has been no alsuribution among them, which was the case when Cortés was President. In fact evory report that nave neard indicales Lliol sylwyooo in dororament offices, the Pacific Railroad, the banks and even the employees of the National Light and Power Company, about 25 per cent of whom are or ganized in a union affiliated with the are going to vote for León Cortés, Other groups of people desire to see Cortés President because of their fear of Communism which has become identified with Cortés opponent in the political campaign since he signed an alliance with Manuel Mora.
Closely related to this group are the persons who will vote for Cortés because they distrust Calderón Guardia and the inept financial and economic policy he has carried out and they are outspoken in their statements that they will not accept the imposition of a colorless candidate by the Administration to carry on that policy in opposition to the vill of the people. This group is convinced that Picado can only win by fraud.
The Government proclaims that money is on its side, but that muat be viewed in the light of the Government desire to convince the Libassy of its favorable position. It is difficult to get accurate information on this subject but Cortés does not seem to be in need of any financial support. There are daily reports, in faet, that he has received addi.
tional sums from sources not always loom. In general, the capitalists have refrained from stating their position and this may indicate their probable support of Cortés since it would not be wise for them to take an anti Administration attitude in view of the tie up of the Administration with Manuel Mora and the obstacles which would be placed in their way, such as import recommendations for nerchandise, the raising of the wages of their laborers and, in extreme cases, the nabotage or phys cal damage to their plants. Certain wealthy men of Cesta il ca have stated that they wish to give Cortés money but did not dare to do so openly for fear of such reprisals. These capitalists are, apparently, spending their money bribing members of the elector. boards and other key officials in order to insure the defeat of a candidate backed by Manuel Mora. In sum, am convinced that the majority of people are be hind Cortés if only, as Foreign Minister Echandi son Mario told to prove that Costa Ricans are still free and can elect the Pre they manter Government Preparations.
Most revealing as an indication that serious trouble is likelsite oceur in Costa Rica over the elections are the preparations the Government is making. Realizing Cortést strength, the President brother who is the Minister of Public Security has admitted to the Embassy that every known trek will be used to beat Cortés at the polle. The election boards contain one member each from the Democratie Party and the National Republican and Vanguardia Popular Parties, which is a two to one advantage for the Administration. The Government controls the is snance of voting eédulash (identification cards which must be preso ed by each voter) and some pro Cortés followers have complained that er eye their TE