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León CortésManuel MoraPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

DECLASSIFIED Authority Statele her hz B; ML, NARA Cz! 2498 bus EMBASSY NEGACION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA San José, Costa finale February 1, 1944, No. 1060 Subject: Conversation with Manuel Mora, Leader of Vanguardia Popular. 49 STRACTIX CONT IDENTIAL RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OF STATE LIMUNITATIONS The Honorante The Secretary of State, Washington.
1944 FEB Sir. 1800 the world Adverting to the penultimato paragraph of my on despatch No. 1054 of February 1, 1944, have the honor to report that last night had a conversation with Sr. Manuel Mora, leader of the Vanguardia Popular party.
On several rocont occasions President Calderón Guardia has suggested that Sr. Mora wished to most ne and told him that would be very glad to se. him at any time, with the result that last night interview was arranged. Secretarios Tyler and Watrous of the Embassy start wore present during the latter part of our conversation, Sr. Mora impressed me as an extremely serious minded individual with well defined views on many subjects and intensely interested in improving the labor and living conditions of the people of Costa Rica.
His observations were almost entirely in a moderate yoin, except when he referred to Sr. León Cortés, for whom he did not disguise his soorn.
818. 00 1940 firoo FEB 12 1944 FILED Sr. Mora emphasized the fast that he and his party woro embarked on an experiment, which in his opinion might have important results not only hero but in other countries. This experiment consists in attempting to achieve its obicotiyos through a poæootul DrOGOSS evolution by working harmoniously with the party of Toodoro Picado, which might be described as a liberal or center party as contrasted with the Cortós faction, which falls more into the conservative field. Paralleling this political allianos, Sr. Mora referred frankly to his attempt to establish friendly rolations with the Catholio Church hor. and with the largest employor of labor in the country, the Compañia Banansra. While making it aloar that he was not religious man hingolf. SrMore cognized the nood which the people have for the Churoh and pointed out that it is poor stratogy to combat the Church PS MEL