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Manuel Mora

DECLASSIMEU Authority Stateletter for By ME, NARI Date 2498. not plan to give Mora any posts in their government and all that the Vanguardia would have would be the three or four congressional seats which they should receive in the elections. As a matter of fact, don René stated frankly that he thought the power and influence of the Vanguardia had been greatly exaggerated or, as he put it, Manuel Mora, whom he described as a very smart politician, had soia President Calderón Guardia a bill of goods. He thought this because the size of the Vanguardia was less than advertised, being, in his opinion, not more than 10, 000, but it made great deal of noise und was well organized. While he made it plain that Picado party did not intend to double cross Mora, they did not plan to cowTow to him or allow him to have any preponderant influences Rather they would attempt to absorb. Mora and his party.
Señor Picado thought Señor Mora had made a smart MOTO in tying up with the Picado party, since Mora had got about as far as he could go as the leader of the Valley guardia party and this alliance offered greater possi bilities for the futuro.
Foreign Affairs and Relations with the tited States As far back as January 1944 Sabor Francisco calderón Guardia made it clear that in the event Sofior Pigade ras.
elected, as he presumed would be the case, they hoped.
to select a Minister for Foreign Affairs who would work well with the United States and who would pursto more.
aggressívely than had Señor Echandi certain questions invoIving the expulsion of enemy aliens, et cetera.
Señor Picado returned to this point in his contersation with Mr. True blood om January 25 and again in his con versation with me on February 12, at which time to stated that while he had not yet decided who would be the best person for this important post, it would be assential that the nominee be persona grate to the United States The only name have heard suggested thus far as that or the distinguished ex president, don Julio Acosta. In this connection was interested recently in hearing don Julio son in law state that he thought unlikely don Julio would take the foreign Ministry om view of don Julio hatred of dietatorships, which would make It almost impossible for him to work harmoniously with certain of Costa Rica neighbors in Central America, The son in law was inclined to think that don e would prefer to go to Washington as Ambassador. 1o Don Toodoro in his speech of Tobruary Implicit in our obligation to liquidato any traces of totalitarianism in our country is the determination to cooperate with our other brothers on the Continent in the cause of the Alliod Nations and especially vi United States which has protected us in those difficult moments in a manner that has the cordial and intens characteristics of a fraternal and generous sentiment over and above the basos of a polley or good neighborliness.