
CECLASSHED conherity Stateletter Inhz 8: WL C:te 24 18 Miss 306 ARGUED AS, formerly a student of the Normal School of Herodia, has been well know for her work as an organizer of student movements in Heredia. She is the daughter of a prominent family in the town of Heredia and is to some extent estranged from them because of her political idene and activities.
ROBERTO VHOA (CONZALEZ. ALVARO MONTARO (VIGA) and EDGAR MONTERO are some of familles which have always been prominent in the Conta Rica Communist Party and it is understood that they have adopted their fundes e commandatia ideas.
This source also advised that one MANUEL SOLIS, whose name wa not contained in the information received from Source A, was also a delegate to the contorenee in Madee City as a representative of the Farmar Youth of Meredia.
Sourse advised that the Misso esty address of EDUARDO MORA 1e Ignacio Mariscal 138 On Toharry 15 GASGALLAR left Conta Rica for Panama and Source advised that on February 22 he wrote a letter fron Padua ty te OMY VASSILIU, Apartado 1992 sa San Joul. In this letter the witor stated that he was happy to now that the addresse und Ms group had been furnished houseby Pre CALDERON GUARDIA for the use of the demite No de la Federacion Juvenil and mountioned that the next mooting of the youth 海參 地丁的做法 地集的名稱都會 In this letter the writer went on to say that he had been in Parama a week and had not uncomplished very much because of the hottega but that the National Student Congreso had met with results. He said that he had been able to extinguish a current of anti Government feeling among some people. He related that she National Student Congreso had approved the resolutions of the Continental Youth Congress for Viotory and had agreed te work on preparations for the Most Putritio Congress of Panamtan Youth to be held in June, and indicated that the Panamanian club would send delegation to the Costa Rican Youth Conference 18 they were advised of the date of the latter meeting. He cloued by sending his regards to MARIEL MORA and seda te tell him that he had recedved none of the things thiet BORA had proudod him. He suggested that they be sent to him in Pandor in Caracas, Source confirmed the teet that contacte vere made by GASCALLAR with mandou prominent Costa Rican and stated that he wunderstood that GABBATLAR planned to return to Ceuta Rica within the near future.

    CommunismCommunist Party

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