
DEVASSEU Authority Statele terhez e me NARA Cate 2498 bu in the importation of a number of tires from the United States which were sold on the Black Market at tremendously high price, The CALDERON GUARDIA forces still have a clear majority in the Congress, and it was obvious from the first thatCongress would refuse to consider the charges.
Part of the CALDERON GUARDIA majority consists of the Vanguardia Popular Deputies, and one of these, LUIS CARBALLO (CORRALES. led the defense of the CALDERON GUARDIA Group.
It has become inereasingly apparent that Soviet prop ganda is being imported into Costa Rica by the Vanguardia Popular Party and by other persons apparently sympathetie toward Russia. Apoording to Source Ag the majority of this propaganda comes addressed to PILAR BOLANOS, the 11 brarian of the Vanguardia Club. The source has advised that this woman full name is PILAR NICOLASA BOLANOS and she was apparently born in El Salvador. Her father, FRANCISCO BOLANOS, presently lives at Calle Arce 182, San Salyador, and other linown connections which she has in that country ar THONY VASSILIU, RAUL GASTELLANOS 13 No. 18, and. ANTONIO ESQUIVEL, G. No. 86. Soure. reports that on May 9, 1944, BOLANOS, giving hør return address as Box 158 or Box 1351, wrote a letter to the management of La Lucha de la Juventud. Call. Undrid 3, Altos 3, Mesdoo, stating that she is in charge of the 14 brary of the Vanguardia Pops ular Party of Costa Rica, and that the Party is now ongaged in placing at the disposal of its members reading material covering advanced thought.
She stated that she has found the addressee publication, La Lucha de la Juventud. Battle of Youth) most interesting and believes it would be of great importance for the more youthful mombers of the Party. The addressee was requested to forward thirty copies of each isaue, and the writer stated that she hopes to increase this number to several hundred in the near future.
As references, BOLANOS gave the names of ALVARO MONTRO (VEGA. EDUARDO MORA (brother of MANIEL MORA, the leader of the Vanguardia Popular. und the Salvadoram comrade ROGEIMO HERRIERA.
Souree advised that Post office Box 758 is that of LUISA de GONZALEZ, a prominent member of the Vanguardia Popalar, and that Post Office Box 1351 4x that of JOAQUIN CUSI, a Spanish Republican o le living in Costa Rica who is not known to be Gomunistis. Through Source B, copies of poveral of the magasines from the 11 brary of the Vanguardia Popular were obtained. Source advised that BOLANOS apparently is in charge of obtaining these publications and main.
taining them or distributing them after their receipt. Besides the Lucha de la Juventud. it is noted that there were also inelnded a monthly magasine called Fundamentos. which is published in Habana, Ouluthe address being Apartado 1724, and the editor BAS ROCA, and Dialectica. which is dao published in Habana, the office address being calle Reilly 505, the med ling address Apartado 2213, and the telephone number Ae6264. The editor home is given as CARLOS RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ, and the publisher a DITORIAL PAGINAS The magasine déseribes itself as a Continental magasine of Meridot

    Partido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)Soviet

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