
DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Inhz 18 mE HAR Date 14 981 theories and studios. and is devoted almost entirely to artioles about various features of the Soviet Union.
Source has advised that on May 27. 1944, JOAQUIN GARCIA (MONGE. Apartado Letra X, San José, wrote a letter to the Russian Embassy in Mozdao Gity thanking the addressee for sending him the Boletin de Informacion (Information Bulletin. which, he states, he has read with great interest and has distributed to the friends of the Soviet Republics.
Ho requested the Embassy to send future bulletins by regul ar sal 89 has to pay duty on then when they come by dr mill. GARCIA (MORE) fur ther stated that he is pleased to contime sending the addressee copil. co of the Repertorio Americano.
POAQUIN GARGLA (MONO) is. Cesta Rican intellectual whose bdeweekly publication, the Repertorio Americano. sa devoted chiefly a to contemporary Latin American 14terature. Several copies of this magasino have been standard na And heation is noted that it is being used for Russian propaganda. Soure, has advised that he reads the magazine reg ularly and has never noted anything which appeared to be Seriet or Commun iet propaganda. No advised, however, that GARCIA (MONOR) is strongly Liberal in his poMtial views and has always been somerulat eritiead of the United States, although mover anti American.
almen o JOAQUIN GARCIA (MOG) is one of the several Veer Presidents of the Grupe de Amigos de la Unden sovities (Organisation of Priends of the Soviet Union. which is made up chiefly of persons sympathetle toward Russia, but containa few members of the Vanguardia Popular Through Source Bit ras learned that GARCIA (MONGE) regularly recadres about thirty or forty copies of the Boletin de Información (Information Bulletin) published by the Soviet labassy in Medee Gáty the distribution of these bulletins in Costa Rica is handled chiefly by RAFARL DI BUON (Y LOZANO. and SNELLA PRRALEA, who are ansted by MARXA ISAREL GARBATAL (also low as CARIEN LYRA) LUISA de GORZATE and PTLAR BOLANOS, all prominent in Donumundatio activities in Costa Ron, these parsans roetve the bulletins from GARCIA (HONGB) and attribute theme apparently only to members of the Party or interested pornone. otthon gratie or for a tou sents a copy. GARGIA (MONO) advised Soure. that the bulletin in detributed omly to those who really appreciate it.
Souro. has advised that perontly PILAR BOLANOS Ms meu lasrge quantities of various types of Communitatie propaganda to ANTONIO DIAZ, Avenida Morte 26, Sun Babrador, El Salvador.
During the latter part of April, 1944, it me annonnead in trabajo (work) that the Vanguardia Popular would inaugurate, nya sidad Popular (University for the People. which would give eatensive

    Joaquín García MongeMarxPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)SovietURSS

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