
DECLASSMEU given the other, nore tacit, supperty many of these unpopuler govern ments would have been overthrow by popular will.
It was reported that GONZALO MARTINEZ (ARRIAGA) joined the group a few days ago.
After the meeting was adjourned, most of the members remained and engaged in conversations consisting chief is of politian gonssp. The only information of interest which was obtained from these comersations consisted of the statement by ANGEL SORONAS (QUARDIA) Assistant Manager of the Banco Nacional de Costa Ricar that he had learned from Wangnificent sources (fuentes manifican) that the now tax on Igners was not only for the amounced purpose of paying for the debt of the Republican Politioni Party, but also to provide adudinistration supporters and Communist leaders with a large mm of rank money. It may be explained by way of belground that it has always been the custom of the winning political party in national geotion to pay its campaign skeponses from govorut odo.
As the present a nd stration found an empty transury upon taling of loa, 16 recently hnd Congress raise the tax on 21. quoru produced by the National Liquor Pastory in order to take care of this g dette Aponding GORONTAS, this ma is expected to mount to 1, 000, 000 golonos (approx Sunately 4356, 506. or probably 2, 200, 000 colones, 2, 000, 000 to be applied to take care of the campaign aupenses incurred by the successful Republican Party. No wtated that the remaining 62, 200, 000 would be equally Hridad between President PICADO ud the Som lenderas that PIGADO would distributo his 600. 000 cutong his favorites and thus the VANGUARDIA POPULAR would uti nuo sto portion de werking ondtal for the 她要的装修的她, 纳頓 帶, 他在其他 is going to advance the expected revenue in the son of a long and colleet its repayment from the now take the rela y of this info ation mot bom, but in yow of CORONAS contuote, spomrs that he de at least in a position to huyo wa Infomation It was agreed that the group would muut muda in the mour future, but no definito date wae yut.

    CommunismPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

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