
DELLASSIEU Authority Statele teruhr 8: ML, HAR Cate 24181 ANA AIR MAIL more thought and effort toward conciliating the Conservatives in Costa Rica than he is to the fulfilment of their common program.
It has become increasingly evident in the past two weeks that the Administration is obtaining a more sympathetic attitude from the formerly hostile and at times vituperative opposition press. As reported in the despatch under reference. the DIARIO has ceased its personal attacks on the President, and in recent days its editorials have swung so far to the opposite dirsetion as to praise certain Presidential attitudes. In this connection, René Picado told a member of the Embassy staff that he had been approached by a representative of the Centro para el Estudio de Problemas Nacionales who indicated that that group wished to reach an understanding with the Administration. In accord with their plans to participate directly in politics, the Centro is apparently planning to try to elect one or more of its members as deputies in the mid term elections, and their purpose in approaching the Minister of Public Security was to seek assurances that the elections at that time would be free from Governmental interference. It is to be presumed that the quid pro quo for such assurances would be the guarantee of at least friendly treatment of the Administration in the DIARIO and LA HORA. It is interesting to note that Picado told the Centro representative that he was in favor of free elections, but that he expected opposition on this point from the Minister of Government, Fernando Soto Harrison, who, he stated, is still to be considered more a follower of ex President Calderón Guardia than he is a Picadista. Señor Picado also stated that plans for the establishment of a new daily news paper were proceeding well and that he, as well as four others, had already pledged twenty thousand colones to the enterprise. It is his belief that a modern paper, publisheet along the lines of those of the United States, would be not only a valuable political asset, but also a decidedly good sconomie investment.
While a rumor that a small group of Cortesistas had approached the commander of the Bella Vista fort to determine his availability in case of an armed uprising has recently come to the attention of the Embassy, it is not felt that such a movement would prosper at the present time, even had the negotiations not fallen through, as reported. On the contrary, it is the Embassy opinion that President Picado tolerance of the opposition combined with the moderation with which he has approached all issues have gone a long way toward swinging public opinion into line behind him.
While the scandals attending his election will probably never be completely forgiven, and while there still exists

    Centro para el Estudio de los Problemas Nacionales (CEPN)Presidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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